Taking A Step Back

One friend said something to me a few years ago and it has stuck with me ever since.

She said, “Have social media. Don’t let social media have you“.

Lately, the latter of that scenario has been my reality. So, last night, I decided to delete all of the social media apps off of my phone.

I have caught myself one too many times going from Snapchat to Instagram to Twitter and then back to Snapchat purely out of boredom.

What kind of life am I living if I can’t go a couple hours without checking the latest updates on social media?

I have realized that my problem isn’t that I need to check my phone at all hours of the day, but instead, my problem is that I turn to my phone when I feel as though I have nothing better to do. The truth of the matter is I have so many better things to do.

As cliché as it sounds, life really does go by too fast and I want to start being intentional with the free time I have during the day.

I love sitting down with a cup of tea and a great book. I love painting and playing my guitar. I love turning on music and putting my thoughts onto paper. Yet, I never seem to have time to follow through on these little things enough. It’s a special thing for me to intentionally use my free time to do these things that I love. I want that intention to be in my everyday life again.

It was a liberating feeling deleting the apps off of my phone. But, I have to admit, when I woke up this morning, turning on my phone to remember the decision I made last night felt a little weird. I felt a little empty not being check social media.

I saw society hooked to their phones and I never wanted to be grouped into that. But, I am just as guilty as anyone else. I think that this time of disconnection from social media will help me grow more as a person.

I am so excited that I’ve finally taken a step back in order to leave room in my schedule for all of the little things that are so important to me and yet I never seemed to have much time for.


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